The Hurricane And The Bucket


This is the one…
given a president’s name,

There can be no handshake
in this hurricane,
no one left
watching how the sea
sends its waves
with a size the shore
seems to withstand.

Yet, weeks back now,
a gardener moved to
put his garden to rest,
the annual ending
of his urban crops
what his hands made,
seeds being successful,
all of it once growing
to bring food he trusts.

Yet, one day was different…
when the bucket for watering
contained a drowned sparrow,
inches of rain
sadly forgotten.

Leaving only the question:
"How could those wings
not lift the weightless body
back up to a wind
absolutely able to return it
to partake at the full feeder? "

Today is calmer…
other living sparrows
remind him
how to forget a storm.

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