The Fall

Are we getting closer?
Am I getting closer?
Hunted by shadows,
Purchased by mirrors.

We are getting closer,
the sunshine shall not pass
will your smile let us die?

So here we are (who are you?)
Being observed by specters,
Being shattered by the tempest,
fainting and stumbling
to nothingness.

On the staircase to the void
I can feel the ceiling falling down
and the walls crushing us down.

Down to the bottom of the river,
which separates living beings
and dead beings.

The river being soaked by tears
and Charon’s oboles

In dreams, In real life,
I am being held by its noise.

Catch my soul and throw me away!

Dear Acheron, the doleful.

5 Me gusta

:black_heart: :black_heart: :black_heart: :hugs:

1 me gusta

Nice poem. Just check the first verse. Good job!

2 Me gusta

Muchas gracias por la corrección, no sé cómo no había visto ese error ^^

1 me gusta

Thanks again! ^^

1 me gusta

I thought you’d wrote it that way for some reason :hugs:

1 me gusta

Unfortunately It was a little mistake because I didn’t pay attention, or maybe I did that mistake in the transcripitcion progress :heart::heart::heart::hugs:

1 me gusta

Thanks! I’m flattered :heart::heart::heart::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

1 me gusta

¡Me gustó mucho!
No leo mucha poesía en inglés porque no lo hablo con fluidez, pero sí leo suficiente.

Me encanta la forma en que describes que se acercan… hay algo en las sombras -o quizás tu propia sombra- algo te llama, algo te busca, algo te atrapa.

Definitivamente este fragmento me encantó.

Todo el poema me genera una sensación nerviosa de desasosiego.

¡Un abrazo!