Dream of the Heart

Dream of the Heart

In search of Clarity
I declare that the world is
an activity of the spirit,
it is a dream of the heart
in search of clarity.
Ideas are not eternal
like stones
but like rivers,
from now on that clarity will guide
the ships among the white rocks
of the coastline.
I would like to summon them
in the desert of the beach
to show me
the goals of life.

In her journey, Estrella began to understand that the search for clarity not only resided in uncovering the secrets of the ocean, but also in exploring the depths of her own mind and spirit. Each door she opened, each discovery she made within herself, were pieces of an intricate puzzle that shaped her identity and purpose in life.
As time passed, Estrella realized that clarity was not a goal to be achieved, but a constant journey of self-discovery and personal growth. It was like an invisible friend, always present and willing to clarify the storms that formed in her mind and illuminate the dark paths she encountered.
In her encounters with other sailors, Estrella discovered that each carried their own longing for clarity and their own philosophical worries. Every shared story, every deep conversation, nourished her mind and enriched her view of the world. She understood that philosophy existed not only in books or academic classrooms, but materialized in the words and thoughts of those who dared to question reality and seek a deeper understanding of existence.
In her long nights of contemplation, Estrella delved into life’s most fundamental questions. What is the purpose of our existence? Is there an underlying order in the apparent chaos of the universe? What does it mean to be human in such a vast and mysterious world? Each question raised only generated more questions, but Estrella enjoyed the uncertainty and the constant search for answers.
But the true sophistication of Estrella lay in her ability to admire and be grateful for every small detail of life. Every sunrise, every blade of grass caressed by the wind, resonated in her soul as a work of art created by the invisible hand of the universe. For her, sophistication was not a luxury of the mind or a facade of knowledge, but a way of life rooted in appreciation and genuine connection with the world that surrounded her.

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